Everywhere you look you may have noticed a certain buzzword that has been sneaking onto product labels: "natural." Of course, who doesn't like things au naturel? But seriously, we're talking specifically about our culture's growing preference for products that promise natural ingredients. We believe there's one thing in particular every man should want to focus on keeping as natural as possible: his skin care routine.
Men's skincare products with healthy formulas are now becoming more available than ever. A dermatologist recommended skin care routine can be the difference between a clean-shaven face as smooth as a baby's bottom or a mug full of red rashes. It's especially important for those with sensitive skin to pay more attention to what's going on with their skincare products. Get ready for a crash course in men's skin care tips that will help you understand how different natural ingredients affect the skin.
Rosemary Extract
If you've ever suffered the wrath of razor burn, you'll want to remember rosemary. This herb is a curative anti-inflammatory with medicinal qualities that can even treat dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. Great for reducing swelling and soothing irritation, a natural product with rosemary is a no-brainer for sensitive types.
Pomegranate & Acai Berry
Don't shy away from men's skincare products with fruity features. Pomegranate is highly beneficial for all skin types and has a molecular structure perfect to delivering hydration and micronutrients deep into the skin. It also carries anti-microbial benefits to help fight bacteria and fungus on the skin that cause acne. Not convinced yet? Pomegranate will protect your skin from sun damage, and will smooth away dull surface texture. If you want your skin to glow with manly magnificence, get yourself into a skin care routine that features pomegranate or Acai Berry.
Triple Tea (white, black, green)
Your skin will drink up the benefits of black tea, no tea bag necessary. As it turns out, black tea is super effective in reducing wrinkles. Not only does this antioxidant powerhouse ingredient delay the aging process, but it can help reduce puffiness and rejuvenate skin cells. Are you looking younger, or is that just your favorite triple tea skin care step?
What's the different between black tea and green tea? No, it's not just the color. While both contain antioxidants, green tea is not oxidized before processing which gives it more of a detoxifying effect. Green tea's natural anti-inflammatory properties pair perfectly with blemish-fighting toners and treatments so you can say goodbye to blackheads and irritation.
Vitamin C
There are better ways to get vitamin C than chugging lots of OJ. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an extremely effective antioxidant that is naturally sourced from various fruits and vegetables. Regular use of vitamin C can boost your skin's collagen production (aka: keep you from getting saggy jowls) and will also reduce dark spots due to hyperpigmentation. A nice potent serum is a great way to start using this A+ natural ingredient.
Shea Butter
Shea butter comes from the nuts of the shea tree and is high in fatty acids and vitamins. Because of its softening and conditioning effect, you'll mostly find shea butter as a moisturizing ingredient however its benefits are manifold. Shea butter also reduces skin inflammation, relieves itchiness, soothes razor irritation, and treats blemishes.
Hyaluronic Acid

Nothing stops the aging process, except for maybe hyaluronic acid. This key ingredient is said to hold one thousand times its weight in water, which makes it the king of all moisturizers. Hydrated skin looks fresher and plumper, which keeps it looking younger for longer. Go ahead, start using it and find out. Your dermatologist will be impressed.
Armed with this knowledge, you can better assess your own skin's needs and choose natural skincare products for men that have the right ingredients to fulfill them. It can take time and patience to hone the perfect skin care routine. So, set realistic expectations and don't be afraid to consult with the experts.