Getting your share of antioxidants will help defend your skin against the free radicals that can hinder your goal of achieving healthy skin. Antioxidants are compounds that are produced in your body, found in foods, and are captured in quality skincare products. Unlock your skin’s potential with a few easy ways to fight free radicals, and the state of ‘oxidative stress’ you want to avoid.


EAT A VARIED DIET RICH IN ANTIOXIDANTS Delicious foods like blueberries, strawberries, artichokes, raspberries, kale, red cabbage, beans, pecans – and even dark chocolate, are just a short list of the great sources of antioxidants. Reading up on foods rich in antioxidants and including them in your diet daily is a sure-fire way to increase your intake.

GET REGULAR EXERCISE Many researchers suggest that an antioxidant rich diet, paired with daily exercise, is the best free radical defense. Why exercise? The human body can reuse antioxidant enzymes repeatedly and this process is increased through physical activity.

OPT FOR NATURALLY DERIVED SKINCARE PRODUCTS Turn to H.I.M -istry Naturals for products loaded with antioxidants and collagen boosting ingredients naturally. An anti-oxidant rich skincare regimen that includes products like our Hyaluronic & Vitamin C Moisturizer, Green Tea & Vitamin C Shaving Cream, and our Triple Tea & Glycolic Cleanser will provide the external defense your skin requires. Do these things, and not only will you feel rejuvenated, but you will be on the road to youthful skin. Oh – and wear a sunscreen!