Aging is perceived as a concept only women obsess over and tirelessly attempt to delay, but we all know that’s not true. So much is associated with aging and a telling sign that it’s happening to anyone is within their face. Bags, wrinkles and sagging can be our visible ticking year trackers and most anti-aging products are geared towards women, excluding a large sector of the aging population, but men deserve a solution too!

Luckily, Himistry offers its Vitamin C After Balm as a natural solution to aging concerns. The addition of CoQ10 and underlining nutrients within the balm specifically address the issues surrounding shaving. The formula firms and tones skin, evens out skin discoloration and goes to work immediately on contact, boosting the skin’s immunity to razor burn and nature’s hazardous stressors. The product serves as the ideal multi-purpose men’s skincare, rejuvenating the skin after shaving and retaliating against age marks and unwanted facial lines.

Too often, men tend to take a minimalist approach to their skin care and only focus on removing or trimming facial hair. But now, adding one more step to that process – a natural moisturizing after balm – can make a world of difference. Adequately treating the skin for what can be a rough, itchy shave is the ideal way to maintain soft, ageless skin and achieve that close personal shave.